The purpose of this course is to help each student identify, understand and develop the fundamental skills of church administration and leadership in a Christian setting.
Course Description
Concepts of leadership applied to the organization of the local church, with special emphasis given to the work and relationships of the pastor and church staff, and to the administrative structure and functions of the church.
Course Objectives
As a result of having taken this course, the student will demonstrate his ability to…
Understand and apply biblical and contemporary principles related to leadership and administration;
Understand the organizational structure of a typical church, including responsibilities and relationships of the pastor, staff, officers, deacons, committees, and organizational leadership;
Understand and apply principles of effective management related to the human, physical, and financial resources of the church;
And to develop a working model for church administration and an administrative framework for its implementation.
Required Textbooks
Powers, Church Administration Handbook. (B&H Academic; 3 Rev Upd edition January 1, 2008) ISBN-13: 978-0805444902
Lesson 1 – Introduction
Lesson 2 – The Nature and Mission of a Church
Lesson 3 – Leadership Styles
Lesson 4 – Leadership Skills
Lesson 5 – Planning
Lesson 6 – Church Program Organizations
Lesson 7 – Officers and Committees
Lesson 8 – Personnel Administration
Lesson 9 – Managing Physical Resources
Lesson 10 – Planning and Budgeting
Lesson 11 – Financial Procedures
Lesson 12 – What Goes on Down at the Church
Lesson 13 – The Minister’s Personal Life

Church Administration…